Archive for June, 2012

Color Profiles, the DPPX, DPI and DPCM units and CSS Variables

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 21

A total of 1,814 commits landed in the projects last week, 625 for WebKit and 1,189 for Chromium.

Web Inspector switched to using Chas Emerick’s jsdifflib for creating diffs between revisions. A dock-to-right icon has been added to the status bar, the settings screen has been rearranged and the list of local modifications may now be cleared. Furthermore, removing a result in the Profiles Panel can now be done through a context menu, and JavaScriptCore now supports breaking from native callbacks.

Following Chromium for Mac, Tony made sure that the Windows and Linux versions now also support color profiles in images, by utilizing ICCJPEG and QCMS libraries.

Animations and transitions may now be applied to :first-element pseudo-elements. The accept attribute of input elements now accepts file extensions and accuracy of state tracking in radio button groups has been improved. David Barr is making good progress on implementing CSS’ image-resolution property, also adding support for the dppx, dpi and dpcm units.

The Blob.slice method has lost its prefix. The document.documentURI property is now read-only, the overset property of Named Flows will return true when no region chain has been attached and the Pointer Lock implementation was updated with the pointerLockElement property, and the requestPointerLock and exitPointerLock methods.

Luke landed the initial implementation of CSS Variables in WebKit. While it’s disabled by default and not enabled on any platform yet, it’s very exciting that work is on its way.

Other changes which occurred last week:

There will only be a brief update next week, while there won’t be any at all the week after.

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Unregistering protocol handlers and improved input accuracy

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit.

Last week, Chromium counted 1,018 changes while WebKit received 587.

Web Inspector’s pretty print feature now respects the indenting preferences. Only the root domain will be expanded in the Sources and Scripts Panels and links will be opened by default in the Sources panel, falling back to either the Resources or Network panels.

Nico landed yet another piece in improving Chrome’s experience on Mac High DPI modes, this time initial support for High DPI in web content display. The Chrome Blog has a nice image showing the impact his work has.

Zero is now a recognized number again for numeric input fields. Rendering nested flexible box objects has been fixed, the “order” property now accepts a number rather than an integer and more CSS 2.1 issues have been fixed.

Besides registering protocol handlers, they can now be checked for existence and unregistered as well. The imageSmoothingEnabled setting for 2D Canvas contexts will now apply to patterns as well, client rectangles for frames in scaled pages will return the right values and the Pointer Lock implementation gained support for the change and error events. Finally, a build flag for the Undo Manager has landed.

The Blob constructor now accepts ArrayBufferView instead of a normal ArrayBuffer for its constructor’s parameter. Elements with an empty string as it’s “itemprop” value won’t be listed in Microdata’s properties list anymore and several SVG features now report to be supported through DOMImplementation.

After some more intermediary steps, Yoshifumi Inoue introduced the new Decimal type for an input’s value properties, fixing rounding errors in number and range input fields.

Other changes which occurred last week:

  • Duplicated Content Security Policy directives will now display errors in the console.
  • The “target-DensityDPI” viewport meta value will no longer be recognized by WebKit.
  • Wins of 3% on Kraken and 3% on v8 for the JavaScriptCore engine.
  • Render Nodes lost 8 bytes of weight, saving up to 2.6 megabytes when viewing the HTML5 specification.
  • GPU accelerated canvas can now be disabled through about:flags.
  • Support for DTLS-SRTP (RFC 5764) has been implemented in Chrome’s NSS.

I’m not sure about the schedule of updates in the next few weeks, as I’ll be traveling through the United States. I’ll try to keep up!

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Image resolution, error’d exceptions and querySelector performance

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 21

728 WebKit commits and 924 Chromium commits add up to a total of 1,652 changes made during last week.

Parsing for the box-decoration-break CSS property landed, with the rendering part still pending. Form controls in disabled fieldsets won’t be checked for validity anymore, and fieldsets themselves now feature the elements accessor. Input elements with a :first-letter style are editable again, the &AElig named entity will now be rendered as expected and the :enabled pseudo-class now applies to option elements too.

Implementation of CSS Images Level 3’s image-resolution property has started, just like bits of the CSS4 Media Queries specification, with the implementation of the “hover” and “pointer” queries for Chromium. Various names used in the Flexible Box Module implementation have been renamed to the names now listed by the updated specification. Dave Hyatt is continuing work on re-implementing Multiple Columns to be based on Regions.

Exceptions now have Error.prototype on their prototype chain. The reserved 1005, 1006 and 1015 closing status codes for Web Sockets will now be handled as broken. Content Security Policy messages to the console will now include a line number for ports using JavaScriptCore, the “overflow” property of NamedFlows has been renamed to “overset”.

The “files” attribute for input elements is now writable and IndexedDB requests and transactions now support the error property. Usage of window.blur() is now disallowed altogether, while window.focus() may only be invoked from the context that created the window.

Other changes which occurred last week:

  • Kentaro Hara improved performance of querySelector() by about eight times!
  • Web Inspector’s Settings screen now features multiple tabs to more clearly support all available settings.
  • Attribute getters returning empty strings has been made 66% faster.
  • The need for a second layout for certain Flexible Box features has been optimized out.
  • The EFL port has enabled support for -webkit-image-set().
  • A new gesture was added for Chromium: two finger-tap to trigger the context menu.
  • WebGL has been enabled by the Qt port when using the WebKit 2 API.
  • The extension overview page in Chromium now shows a warning when a private key is included.
  • Legacy viewport feature such as MobileOptimized and HandheldFriendly are now supported.
  • An Extension API has been added to Chromium for access to Serial ports, now implemented on Windows.
  • Following a Mac OS X Lion update, Chromium will now allow proceeding with <1024bit certificates again.
  • Only twenty static initializers are remaining in Chromium Mac builds!


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