A total of 1,517 commits landed last week, 692 for WebKit and 825 for Chromium.
Web Inspector’s Settings dialog has received a new experimental option to override the Geolocation results. Experimental support for supporting SASS source-maps has been implemented as well, and drag and drop won’t be started anymore when using right clicks.
CSS Transitions and Animations now work between different types of length units, for example from percentage to pixel-based widths. For the Flexible Box Module implementation, percentage-sizes items will now wrap properly and the “order” property will now influence the painting order as well.
Mike added a JavaScript interface for Content Security Policy, enabling authors to apply feature detection to determine the limitations applied to their content. Initializing TypedArrays based on other TypedArrays has been sped up by 3 to 30 times, the undoscope property is now supported and Microdata’s PropertyNodeList interface has been implemented.
As for new features, a build flag was added announcing work on CSS Blending and Compositing. Simon started working on implementing sticky positioning, starting with the compile-time flag and parsing support. Sticky positioning is useful for elements that should remain visible on the screen regardless of the scrolling position, while also sticking to their containing element.
Other changes which occurred last week:
Revision 123,456 for WebKit also landed, last week!
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Last week, WebKit received 621 commits whereas Chromium received 810, totaling up to 1,431. They were made by 373 different authors, and include a change adding search and replace to Web Inspector.
Find and replace functionality for source files has been added to Web Inspector, after less than a day of being experimental. Furthermore, an icon has been added for pausing JavaScript debugging.
The top property on the window object no longer is replaceable. It’s now possible to apply Shadow DOM to image elements, invalid script-nonce directives for Content Security Policy will cause WebKit to block script execution and the calculation for serializing CSS rgba() functions has been corrected.
Sliders can now have tick marks painted if they have an associated datalist, and behavior of negative values for text-indent has been aligned with CSS 2.1. As for experimental work, a compile time flag and parsing support for the image-orientation CSS property have landed. Initial support for positioning grid items by their row and column index is now available as well, and displaying dialogs will now take the open attribute into account.
Other changes which occurred last week:
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Last week brought 1,433 commits to the repositories, 611 for WebKit and 822 for Chromium, made by 357 different authors. Highlights include work on the <dialog> element and removal of the hixie-76 protocol.
Within Web Inspector, the looks of the find bar have been updated, and several other parts of the UI are also receiving refreshments. Furthermore, the tab size now defaults to four spaces.

The CSS 3 blur filter will now work correctly when it’s applied to the parent of a fixed position element, and support for min-height and min-width in the CSS Flexible Box Module has been implemented, including the implied minimum size of flex items. The state of state-less form controls, such as password fields, won’t be stored anymore. Date and time input types are now supported by the BlackBerry port as well.
Backwards iteration over HTML Collections no longer has O(n2) performance, making it significantly faster. For CSS Regions, the firstEmptyRegionIndex attribute has been implemented for Named Flows and the getRegionsByContentNode method had “Node” dropped from its name.
A compile time flag has landed, marking the beginnings of an implementation of the HTML5 <dialog> element. Meanwhile, support for the old hixie-76 Web Socket protocol has been removed.
Other changes which occurred last week:
Thanks for reading!
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With just 770 commits last week, 333 at Chromium and 437 at WebKit, the impact of the Independence Day celebrations is quite visible. Since the open-sourcing of Chromium in 2008, there have been only 11 weeks during which WebKit received more commits than Chromium.
The context menu for nodes in Web Inspector now includes a “Scroll into view” item. Snippets can be evaluated and the visual appearance of Web Socket frames has been improved.
Following I/O’s Chrome for iOS announcement, first steps are being made towards upstreaming the iOS code.
XMLHttpRequest’s send() method is now able to transmit ArrayBufferViews, the “script-nonce” directive from the Content Security Policy specification has been implemented, and a basic framework for Text Autosizing had landed.
BlackBerry enabled support for the Microdata API and scoped stylesheets on their port. EFL also enabled some features, namely support for both the Gamepad and the Microdata APIs.
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