HTML5 Dialog Element and getUserMedia() for Chrome Frame
Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 22
Last week brought 1,433 commits to the repositories, 611 for WebKit and 822 for Chromium, made by 357 different authors. Highlights include work on the <dialog> element and removal of the hixie-76 protocol.
Within Web Inspector, the looks of the find bar have been updated, and several other parts of the UI are also receiving refreshments. Furthermore, the tab size now defaults to four spaces.
The CSS 3 blur filter will now work correctly when it’s applied to the parent of a fixed position element, and support for min-height and min-width in the CSS Flexible Box Module has been implemented, including the implied minimum size of flex items. The state of state-less form controls, such as password fields, won’t be stored anymore. Date and time input types are now supported by the BlackBerry port as well.
Backwards iteration over HTML Collections no longer has O(n2) performance, making it significantly faster. For CSS Regions, the firstEmptyRegionIndex attribute has been implemented for Named Flows and the getRegionsByContentNode method had “Node” dropped from its name.
A compile time flag has landed, marking the beginnings of an implementation of the HTML5 <dialog> element. Meanwhile, support for the old hixie-76 Web Socket protocol has been removed.
Other changes which occurred last week:
- Extension release notes for Chrome 20 have been published.
- The getUserMedia() API will now also be available for Chrome Frame users.
- The W3C Navigation Timing test-suite has been imported to WebKit.
- document.write()s of scripts that also document.write() will no longer be asynchronous.
Thanks for reading!