Zoom Dependent devicePixelRatio, Clear Error Messages and JSON for XMLHttpRequest

Published on in Blink, Google Chrome, Last Week, tech. Version: Chrome 31

1,621 commits were made by 417 authors to the Blink, Chromium, v8 and Skia repositories last week.

Within Chrome DevTools, work continues on implementing the new Layer panel. The <Cmd/Ctrl>-<\> shortcut has been added as a shortcut to pause and continue the debugger. Mike has been busy with improving messages shared by Blink for errors and exceptions: anything from XMLHttpRequest to localStorage and tainted images for WebGL will now throw clearer errors.

The window.devicePixelRatio property and the resolution and -webkit-device-pixel-ratio Media Queries will now be affected by the applied browser zoom. Julien started with removing support for the prefixed -webkit-marquee CSS properties and CSS Shapes now supports shape-outside image values, and can be enabled using their own runtime flag. Support for the text-decoration property shorthand landed again as well.

XMLHttpRequests in Blink do now support “json” as a responseType. Support for .wav files has been brought to the Web Audio API on Android. Accessing a cross-origin frame’s location setter may now throw an exception. A new about:flags entry also has been added for an experiment in which touchmove events aren’t being distributed to the renderer anymore. Finally, the DataTransferItemList.remove() method has been implemented.

When building Chromium for Android, the “chromium_testshell” target is the most complete browser you can build. Tommy has now updated it to include a menu option for signing in and out of Chromium.

Other changes which occurred last week:

Thanks for reading!

2 Responses to “Zoom Dependent devicePixelRatio, Clear Error Messages and JSON for XMLHttpRequest”

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August 26, 2013 at 7:01 pm

From about two weeks Chrome in Dev channel is Aura version. Hope that they will do something, because Aura at this moment is much slower on Windows 7 x64 than “clean” version, but that is not the worst thing about Aura.

Aura got some crazy bug, I cannot enter any polish char from keyboard in websites (with right Alt key), but I’m able to do it in address field. This bug is from the beginning in Aura builds and it is not fixed for very long time, which driving me mad…


August 27, 2013 at 6:03 pm

…and now (1612.1) it also (beside I had wrote above) uses 100% of one CPU cure. It is hard to be Chrome dev tester 😛