Google Chrome 14, improved text scaling and disabled features for Mac users

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 14

Although I’m publishing this a day later than usual, there still are 1,122 commits containing interesting changes. Highlights include changes to SVG’s text-scaling, alignment of the Page Visibility API implementation with the spec and Chromium’s new version number: 14.

One of the more obvious changes is that Chromium has reached version number 14. As Chrome’s Product Manager Anthony Laforge is keen to remark: this equals the number of legs a woodlouse has. For the changes which you can expect to be included with Google Chrome 13, check out these articles.

SVG’s text scaling has been improved for texts optimized with geometric precision, no longer causing a stair-step pattern to be visible. Setting the document.body property is now allowed in certain cases and the values for check and radioboxes have been updated to match other browsers.

Following changes in the Page Visibility API’s specification, WebKit has modified the name of the visibilitystatechange event to visibilitychange. Furthermore, the isVisible property on document has been renamed to hidden. Mind that these are still vendor prefixed as well.

Other changes which occurred last week:

  • Chromium’s protocol validation in WebKit now also accepts plusses as a valid character.
  • Frame flattening has been fixed for nested frames within WebKit.
  • Some more progress has been made in supporting websites as MHTML archives.
  • Seeking for very minor offsets in media playback has been improved for Chromium.
  • Vertical scrolling has been implemented for Chromium’s new New Tab Page.
  • Opening pages which use custom protocols via the command line now also works as expected.
  • In-browser thumbnailing has been enabled for Linux and Mac OS X.
  • Following discussion on how Mac OS X users expect the Print Preview feature within Chrome
    to work, it has been disabled for version 13.
  • More bad news for Mac OS X users: Accelerated 2D Canvas has been disabled altogether.
  • The SSL FalseStart field research has finished, as enough testing has been done.
  • When GPU vertical sync is disabled, requestAnimationFrame will now run at top-speed.
  • Tabs on Chromium OS will now also fade-out when the text doesn’t fit in the tab.
  • The “save” button has been renamed to “keep” in dialogs telling about dangerous downloads.
  • Parsing for MPEG4 metadata has been added for the File Browser. Interesting.

While I’m going to do the best I can at publishing articles in the near future, don’t count on (larger) updates in the following three weeks. Since I’ll be moving to London, things are getting rather busy right now. Be sure to keep an eye out for updates on my Twitter account in the meantime!

7 Responses to “Google Chrome 14, improved text scaling and disabled features for Mac users”

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Alexander Trefz

June 7, 2011 at 1:04 pm

is there any reason for the disabling of the Accelerated 2D Canvas for Mac ?

Peter Beverloo

June 7, 2011 at 5:23 pm

According to this comment, it was enabled by accident in the first place. The feature itself is not stable enough to be enabled by default.

Peter Beverloo

June 8, 2011 at 11:14 am

I have removed the entry altogether as Issue 84537 is private, so I can’t judge that. You are probably right though, I’m not familiar with the word “interstitial”.


June 8, 2011 at 5:37 pm

Accelerated 2D relies on the skia library, which we don’t use yet on Mac (it currently lacks features that are expected on Mac, such as color correction – but work’s underway to improve this).


June 15, 2011 at 6:06 pm



June 15, 2011 at 6:07 pm