CSS parsing errors, JavaScriptCore updates and font load events
Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 27
1,226 Chromium changes and 717 WebKit changes add up to a total of 1,943 changes last week.
Work has started enabling Web Inspector to report various CSS parsing errors, such as mismatched braces and missing semicolons. A menu has been added allowing you to customize the panels displayed in the toolbar, capitalization of menu items has been made consistent and IndexedDB data may now be cleared.
WebKit’s Content Security Implementation will now fire a “securitypolicyviolation” event whenever violations occur, and will include the effective-directive key in violation reports as well.
Intrinsic sizing (i.e. min-content) now work on flexible box elements, and parsing for the -webkit-each-line value for CSS 3’s text-indent property got implemented as well. The Grid Layout implementation now supports default grid item sizing, and can parse the grid-auto-{column, row} CSS properties.
Apple’s JavaScript engine ninja Filip Pizlo filed a series of bugs covering some future plans and experiments in regards to JavaScriptCore. Ideas including changing it to a quadruple-tier virtual machine, allowing it to do more optimizations for longer running scripts, running the optimizer on awesome new threads and experimenting with LLVM as a backend.
Other changes which occurred last week:
- Skia is now able to use an accelerated hardware path for feConvolveMatrix filters.
- The new calendar picker now has support for touch input.
- The QtWebKit port enabled support for -webkit-font-smoothing and kerning, when available.
- The Mac port now exposes a setting to remove scripts from the markup.
- Chromium now supports the Storage Quota API in workers.
- Chromium also received plumbing towards supporting the Speech Synthesis APIs.
- Font load events are now available behind a command line flag for Chromium.
I unfortunately won’t be able to share an update next week. Be sure to check out Šime Vidas Web Platform dailies instead!