Limiting -khtml- and -apple- prefixes, and location.ancestorOrigins

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 20

882 revisions landed in Chromium’s repository last week and 667 in WebKit’s. Highlights include removal of support for the -khtml- and -apple- CSS vendor prefixes in Chromium, and the new location.ancestorOrigins() method.

Work on Device Emulation in Web Inspector is continuing and now also supports dimension wrapping to mimic orientation changes, and a “fit to width” option which will inherit the browser window’s dimensions as the device’s resolution. Lines having a breakpoint will now show line numbers and the vertical timeline overview now shows the wall time.

Support for -khtml- and -apple- properties has been removed for most WebKit ports, including Chromium, after previous attempts failed due to compatibility issues. Background sizes are now correct if the page is zoomed out, the default box-shadow color now defaults to the element’s “color” property, the viewport-relative CSS units now work for Replaced objects (such as images) and the -webkit-image-set CSS property was enabled for the Chromium port.

The ancestorOrigins() method was added to the window.location object, Chromium now exposes the Battery Status API and a Mutation Observer’s attributeFilter is now able to deal with namespaced attributes as well. The contentNodes property for NamedFlows was added, JavaScriptAudioNodes now respect the number of output channels and timestamps used in WebVTT had their limits relaxed.

Split over a number of commits, Avi has renamed Chromium’s TabContents class to WebContentsImpl.

Other changes which occurred last week:

And that’ll be all :). Maybe see you at the WebKit’s Contributors Meeting!

4 Responses to “Limiting -khtml- and -apple- prefixes, and location.ancestorOrigins”

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April 17, 2012 at 4:04 am

>Pepper-based Flash is now enabled by default for Windows 8 Metro builds.

So I heard that metro version is in works.. can we get an ETA?

Peter Beverloo

April 17, 2012 at 4:09 am

When it’s done :). Unfortunately there aren’t really any bugs on to star for updates on the support, but just keep an eye out.


April 20, 2012 at 7:04 pm

You have been writing about people are adding the Grid Layout to chrome for a year or so, and nothing happened yet.

Peter Beverloo

April 23, 2012 at 5:31 pm

It’s still very much a work in progress.