Conditional CSS, file-level CSP and shipping Shadow DOM and MathML

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 24

This update covers 1,921 Chromium changes and 1,426 WebKit changes which happened over the past two weeks, totaling up at 3,347 changes. Highlights are support for conditional CSS, support for polygonal shapes in CSS Exclusions and support for Shadow DOM, now shipping with Chrome.

Chromium has enabled both Shadow DOM and scoped stylesheets by default, and both features which will ship with Chrome 24. This also applies to MathML, which has been worked on by David Barton in the past year.

Web Inspector now supports styling console message output by using the %c modifier, together with a string of defined styles in the second parameter. HTML as part of XMLHttpRequest responses will now be previewed in the Network Panel, and hovering over console messages will now highlight them.

WebKit now supports the @supports rule from the CSS Conditional module. The orphaned units quirk has been removed, which would allow a space between the number and unit, such as “20 px”. Borders, margins and paddings of an inline’s inline ancestors won’t be counted twice anymore, and max-width can now override the width for CSS tables. For the Flexible Box implementation, stretched inputs won’t overflow anymore and images are being displayed again.

The experimental CSS Exclusions implementation now supports polygonal shapes, behavior of which is explained on Hans Muller’s blog. Elements utilizing CSS Regions now support automated height, and text decorations are now being properly applied when ::first-line styling is present. CSS variable names are now case insensitive.

Seven nodes of the Web Audio API have been renamed to be more consistent with other node types. A “force” parameter has been added to the DOMTokenList’s toggle() method, Content Security Policies now support paths at file-level granularity and text controls were given the setRangeText() method.

The vendor prefix of has been removed. RequestAnimationFrame also had its vendor prefix removed, and a high-resolution timestamp is now being exposed as an argument for requestAnimationFrame’s callback.

Other changes which occurred in the last two weeks:

I know I’ve been out of it for a couple of weeks, but let’s get back on the weekly track! 🙂

Update: Scoped stylesheets will *not* be shipping with Chrome 24 yet, sorry!

2 Responses to “Conditional CSS, file-level CSP and shipping Shadow DOM and MathML”

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October 25, 2012 at 7:36 pm

Today I learned that Chromium’s text-shaping library is called Harfbuzz. Or, rather, Harfbuzz-NG now.

Without any special knowledge, I’m just betting the MathML work is the basis of the formula-editing feature in iBooks Author that Apple announced recently. If so, congrats on getting another cool commercial application of MathML!

@Randall: unfortunately no. Although Safari (including mobile safari, the basis for iBooks) has already had webkit’s MathML support switched on since 5.1, iBooks Author is doing it’s own thing.

That is, if you try a horizontal stretch (something like widehat{aaaa} in TeX) in iBooks Author, the ibook file will render correctly. If you put the same MathML into a valid epub3 file, it won’t render correctly on iBooks — since webkit can’t do it yet. So far I’m guessing, iBooks author uses an svg fallback instead of webkit’s MathML rendering, but that’s not confirmed.