A Repunit Prime, HTTP Pipelining, advanced searching and Chromium 17

Published on in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 17

With 974 changes to Chromium’s repository, and 637 at WebKit’s, last week totaled up at 1,611 commits. Highlights are the new Chromium version, work on the Mouse Locking API and more work on Regions.

Chromium has reached version 17. The number, which also happens to be a repunit prime when written in base-16, supersedes the now branched Chrome 16. There are about 5,500 Chromium revisions going in the 16th major.

Vincent Scheibb has been working on a Mouse Locking API, the back-end for the settings of which landed in Chromium last week. Meanwhile, the WebKit side of the implementation is also starting, with the ability to toggle the feature either at compile or run-time.

As for Web Inspector, it now supports case sensitive searches and has support for regular expressions for the advanced search features and searches will now display their progress again. An element’s dimensions will now be displayed clearer with it’s highlight on the page.

As for specification support, the -webkit-from-flow value for the content property has been changed into its own property: -webkit-from-flow. Furthermore, the @-webkit-region at-rule can now be parsed, support for XPath is now enabled for all ports and the new Flexible Box Module implementation can now handle column flows.

Rendering of certain column-rule styles in vertical writing modes has been fixed, the ArrayBuffer object now supports the slice method, IDL files for the <track>-element have been added and content can now be clipped to variable width regions. Column rules will now be positioned correctly in vertical layouts when horizontal borders or paddings apply. Two patches have been committed in relation to the new Mutation Observers API as well.

Other changes which occurred last week:

That’d be all again. For the upcoming week, keep an eye out for work on the CSS aspect-ratio property and the Page Visibility API for the EFL port.

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